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Q: Hindus make up over percent of India's population?
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Where is the hindus found in india?

Hindus are the dominant majority in India. They make up 81 percent of the total population so they are found just about everywhere in India. In fact a neighboring country Nepal is also pre-dominantly Hindu.

What percent of Chinese make up southeast Asia's population?

Chinese make up about _______ percent of Southeast Asia's population.

How many Sikhs population live in Pakistan?

in pakistan there are about 7 million hindus let me make it more easy there are 7000000 hindus in pakistan and 94% of them lives in sindh

What is the ratio of between Muslim and Hindu?

There is none According to CIA World Factbook, hindus make some 80% of the Indian population while Muslims make some 13% of the population.

What group of people make up 20 percent of Israel's population?

The Arabs make up 20% of Israel's population.

What 3 continents make up fifty three percent of the world's land but eighty one percent of its population?

The 3 continents that make up fifty three percent of the world's land but eighty one percent of its population areEurope, Asia, and Africa

What is the racial make up of Colorado?

As of the 2010 census, 69.4 percent of Colorado's population is white. 4.4 percent of the population is African-American, 1.6 percent is Native American, 3.0 percent is Asian, 0.2 percent is Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 2.8 percent of the population is two or more races, 21 percent is Hispanic or Latino.

How much do the top 1 percent make?

The top one percent of the population holds ninety to ninety-five percent of the wealth in the US.

Describe the current make up of Israel's population?

Israel has a population of about 8,134,100 inhabitants. 75 percent of the population are Jews, 20.7 percent of the population are Arabs while 4.3 percent is composed of non Arab Muslims, non Arab Christians and individuals with no religious or ethnic classification.

WHAT percent is Australia's population in the world?

Australia's 22,417,867 people make up only 0.33% of the world population

What group makes up 20 percent of Israel's population?

20% of Israel's population is about 1,576,000 people and is roughly the size of the Arab Israeli Population.

What group makes up the minority of Chile's population?

Native Americans make up a slight minority in Chile. Jews are also a minority there, as well as Muslims and Hindus.