The Atlas Mountains are found primarily in three countries: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. They are the longest mountain range in North Africa and contain a rich diversity of flora and fauna.
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He was Davy Crockett .
You have to go through a magic mirror to get Sabrina.
Because he is an idiot!(wihch means he can't vote)
because if he stares at you he will turn you into a fire flower wihch will then lite you on fire
His first team he played for were the Pittsburgh Penguins and he still plays for them.
An altigraph is a form of altimeter - a piece of apparatus wihch measures someone's altitude - which makes a recording on a chart.
A ballot box is a sealed box with a slit, into wihch a voter puts his or her completed voting slip, or this process or method of voting.
A ballot box is a sealed box with a slit, into wihch a voter puts his or her completed voting slip, or this process or method of voting.
An amalgam tattoo is a flat bluish-grey lesion of the oral mucosa wihch results from amalgam particles going into the soft tissue.