Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator, and that includes the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are also parallel to the equator.See the link below
Latitudinal lines run East West along the earth's surface. An easy trick to remember is thinking "lat is flat" therefore the lines are flat when you are looking at a globe or 2D map.Latitude lines can also be called "PARALLELS"
Lines of latitude run east and west (like rungs on a ladder) and meridians (lines of longitude) run north and south
A line of latitude is also known as a parallel. They run east-west and measure the distance north or south of the Equator.
They are sometimes called parallels. They are parallel to the equator, zero degrees latitude, and parallel to each other. They are all circles, except for the poles which are points.A parallel is another name for a line of latitude because all lines of latitude are parallel to each other.Graticule .parallels
Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator, and that includes the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are also parallel to the equator.See the link below
Latitude lines run from east to west, parallel to the equator. Longitudinal lines are perpendicular to latitude lines and run north to south.
Lines of latitude, or parallels, run horizontally around the Earth (east-to-west or west-to-east).
Latitudinal lines run East West along the earth's surface. An easy trick to remember is thinking "lat is flat" therefore the lines are flat when you are looking at a globe or 2D map.Latitude lines can also be called "PARALLELS"
Lines of latitude run parallel to the Equator (which is zero latitude).
Lines of latitude run east and west (like rungs on a ladder) and meridians (lines of longitude) run north and south
Latitude lines are the imaginary lines on a globe that are horizontal.
A line of latitude is also known as a parallel. They run east-west and measure the distance north or south of the Equator.
They are sometimes called parallels. They are parallel to the equator, zero degrees latitude, and parallel to each other. They are all circles, except for the poles which are points.A parallel is another name for a line of latitude because all lines of latitude are parallel to each other.Graticule .parallels
'Lines' of latitude remain where they are at and do not run. Since every point on the same parallel of latitude is at the same north or south latitude, the only directions left for it to extend in length are east and west.
Theoretically, parallels run horizontally around the Earth, parallel to the equator. They are used to measure latitude and are equidistant from each other.
Lines of latitude are horizontal and run parallel to the poles