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Amsterdam is the capital of a country called: The Netherlands.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

the Netherlands

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.

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Q: In which country is the city of Amsterdam?
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Related questions

What is the city of Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is the capital city of the country the Netherlands. So Amsterdam doesn't have a capital.

Is Amsterdam a poor country or a wealthy country?

Amsterdam is not a country it is a city in Holland or the Netherlands.

Is Amsterdam a captital city in a Europe country?

Yes, Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, a European country.

Is Amsterdam a part of Europe?

Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands, which is a country in the European Union, so the answer is yes.Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands which is a member of the European Union.

What country is capital of Amsterdam?

The Netherlands is the country of which Amsterdam is the capital. It isn't the only capital city in the country. Each province has a capital city. And the government is seated in the Hague.The Netherlands, also known as "Holland"

What countries share a border with Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is not a country . It is a big city in the Netherlands.

What country was Amsterdam nertherlands in?

Holland is divided up into provinces and each province also has it's capital city. Amsterdam is in North-Holland, of which it is the capital as well as being the capital of the country.

What is the name of the country with the city of Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is a city. It's the capital of the Netherlands. Its name reflects its origins as a small, 12th century fishing village near the Amstel Dam.

Is Amsterdam in Central America?

Absolutely not ! Amsterdam is the capital city of Holland - a country in Europe !

What is the capital of Neatherlands?

Netherland's capital city is called Amsterdam.

Is Amsterdam a city Country or state?

No, Amsterdam isn't a country. It's the capital city of the Netherlands. Almost 1,000 years ago, it started out as a small, 12th century fishing village.

What is the bordering countries in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is not a country, but a city in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Netherlands is bordered by Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg