The Odyssey is considered an epic due to its length, narrative scope, and grand themes. It follows the hero Odysseus on his ten-year journey back home after the Trojan War, featuring elements like epic heroism, supernatural beings, and relationships with gods. The poem's structure and use of poetic devices also contribute to its epic qualities.
The idea for the Trojan horse was created by Odysseus himself. Men who are said to be in the horse include Odysseus, Ajax the Lesser, Eurymachus, Menelaus, Theresander, and many others who are not mentioned in the epic.
He was still on the island with calypso!!
3500 pounds
It is epic
Yes, the Odyessey and the Outback.
2times the width of 122+342= what
6 men are lost
Nothing, its epic the way it is!
Yes, if it is written the following way, then it means 'epic': 大作
The meaning of great epic is a story, usually about a hero where the events are narrated in an overly dramatic way. An example of a great epic would be Ulysses.
The only way to get the Epic Face on Roblox was to have the Friendly Gift of Facebox Connect back in 2010. Since then, the Epic Face has not been available for sale.