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Jaguars live at ground level. They can climb trees with great skill and will lie around in them looking relaxed, but don't live up there.

Their prey is mainly ground-based or water-based: when apparently casually draped over tree branches they are either keeping out of the way of creatures which eat jaguars or more likely watching for edible ground-dwellers.

Check the link below for more information on these fascinating felines, as well as historical information and some great reference links.

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8y ago
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7y ago

jaguars live mostly in the Amazon rain forest and basin, and in rain forests around the world.
The jaguar can be found in the South American rainforest. They only live in parts of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America.

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7y ago

Jaguars need water so they live near a water source. You will find jaguars in the swampy part of the forest because they camoflague.
They live in the deep and dense parts of the rain forest's

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14y ago

Jaguars live in the forest floor of therain forest (immature). but as they are cats they climb so they travel to the upper sections of the rain forest for various reasons.

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12y ago

They live in the deep and dense parts of the rain forest's

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12y ago

Jaguars generally live in the understory, but may drag their pray up to a limb of a tree.

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7y ago

Jaguars live in the understory of the rainforest.

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7y ago

Jaguars are most common in the Amazon rainforest.

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16y ago

mexico,central,and south amercia

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Q: In what part of the rainforest do jaguars live?
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What rainforest jaguars live in?

jaguars live in the amazon rain forest

Where in the rainforest do jaguars live?

Jaguars live on the forest floor

From what rainforest do jaguars come?

Tigers live on the canopy layer of the rainforest for better hiding place

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Why do jaguars live in the rainforest?

Because that's where it has adapted to live.

In what habitats do jaguars live?

The jaguars preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars also live in scrublands and deserts.

Do jaguars live in the temperate or tropical rain forests?

Yes Jaguars can live in all types of rain forests.

Is there a particular rainforest where jaguars live?

Yes. Amazon Forests

Do tigers livein the Amazon rainforest?

No. Jaguars and pumas live there.

What kind of mammals live in the Amazon rainforest?

Panthers and Jaguars

How is the jaguar related to the rainforest?

Jaguars live in the rainforest. They depend on it for habitat, and it is where there prey animals live. Jaguars also are found in arid regions, as the Mexican deserts near the US border.

Where do jaguars mostly live?

Jaguars live in a variety of habitats from extreme southwestern United States all the way south into northern Argentina. They are most common in the Amazon rainforest.