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Just grab the barrels and throw them at the dragon. Tip: there is water in the barrels.

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Q: In sonic unleashed Xbox360 how do you beat the dragon in chun-nan?
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Sonic unleashed for gamcube?

Im sorry,I don't think they have it for gamecube,But,They do have it for Wii,Xbox360,and the playstation3.

Is Empire City on Sonic Unleashed for ps2?

Empire city is only available on PS3 and Xbox360.

Can you play sonic unleashed on PC?

No, You can not. It was only released for the following: Wii,PS3,and Xbox360.Though You can play Sonic Heroes on the PC.

How does sonic the werehog do a dash?

well,in sonic unleashed,(Xbox360),you press LT or RT,and lean the left stick, to dash,and run lie a wolf

Is there any cheats for sonic unleash?

no, there are no cheats in sonic unleashed. if you have a xbox360, no, there are achievement's. other systems, i don't know. search google, that's what i did for xbox360 and i got achievement's, but no there is none for xbox 360 and there will never be any. <c

Will the be a second Sonic the Hedgehog for playstation 3 and xbox360?

SONIC the Hedgehog got a bad review, so the chances are 25%-30%.There is a game after it, though. It's called Sonic Unleashed.

Which system has the sonic unleashed stage that looks like new york?

PS3 and Xbox360 I'm not sure about Wii but maybe.

Which is better - Sonic unleashed or Sonic colors?

Depends on your choice. At sonic unleashed WII/PS2 version is sonic colours surely better. At sonic unleashed XBOX360/PS3 version it depends on what you like, the most will like sonic colours more where it's more based on speed. At sonic unleashed you have a lot of werehog stages which are slowly and in my opinion very good, but doesn't fit in a sonic game. This is just an opinion of me, maybe you think different about it so to find that out you can watch some gameplay movies on youtube. ;)

Can you use a game controler on sonic unleashed?

a wii controller and a game cube controller yes,a ps2,xbox360,lots of controllers

Which version of Sonic Unleashed is better?

Pretty much it depends on the system you got, but mainly it's between the PS3 & XBOX360 console

What age rating is Sonic Unleashed?

Sonic Unleashed is 7+

When did Sonic Unleashed happen?

Sonic Unleashed happened in 360.