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On one Hawaiian influenced website I found that "Turtle has a meaning of long life. It is also a creature known to bring positive energy."

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Good luck and Long Life...

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Q: In hawaiian culture what does the turtle symbolize?
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What do turtles mean in the Hawaiian culture?

The turtle symbolizes longevity in Japanese culture.

What does the sun symbolize in the hawaiian culture?

The people of Hawaii have a rich culture that possesses many types of symbolism. The sun in the Hawaiian culture can be a symbol of happiness and good feelings.

What does a turtle symbolize in Aboriginal Art?

Turtles symbolize longevity as they live for a very long time. Therefore, Polynesians included the turtle in their tattoo culture.

What is the Hawaiian tattoo for love?

The Hawaiian tattoo for love is usually represented by symbols such as the heart, plumeria flower, or honu (turtle), which symbolize love, affection, and relationships in Hawaiian culture. Some people also choose to incorporate the word "aloha" into their tattoo design, as it signifies love, peace, and compassion in Hawaiian language.

What is the Hawaiian word for turtle?

turtle = honu [ho-noo].

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How do you say turtle in hawiian?

Honu (ho-noo)

What does the turtle symbolize in Samoan culture?

A turtle symbolizes the navigator (family especially when together with other turtles); this one is inspired by Maori and Samoan styles. On the inside we have incorporated a manta (a symbol of freedom and beauty), and some motifs representing strength and protection. The back fins are shaped like fish hooks to symbolize prosperity and wealth.

What is the name of the most common species of sea turtle in Hawaii?

The Hawaiian green sea turtle.

What does the shark symbolize in Hawaiian culture?

Hawaiians believed their deities could take the form of sharks. Also, spirits from dead relatives could possess sharks and protect their famalies or be destructive.

What does a turtle symbolize in Chinese culture?

dragon turtle symbolise us that our almighty is great and intelligent that He made different creatures and then also He form there sub parts. It also symbolise us that turtles which are very old creatures exist with there natural dragon form

What is one of the endangered animals in Hawaii?

Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle is one... Hawaiian Monk seal, Hawaiian Owl, Hawaiian Horay Bat are also endangered.