Fromage is masculine in French.
"fromage" is masculine : un fromage, le fromage, du fromage.
Douce is feminine. The masculine is 'doux'.
La salade is feminine
Fromage is masculine in French.
"fromage" is masculine : un fromage, le fromage, du fromage.
"fromage" is masculine. If you look before fromage it will either say "la" or "le". If it is la then it is feminine but if it's le, then it's masculine.
Butter is "beurre" in French, a masculine noun.
Le champagne (masculine noun) is the wine, La Champagne (feminine noun) is the region.
un mouton (masc.) Of course some sheep are feminine - the word for a ewe is 'une brebis' (fromage de brebis - ewe's cheese is one of my favourite cheeses). A lamb can also be masculine - 'un agneau', or feminine - 'une agnelle'.
Douce is feminine. The masculine is 'doux'.
La salade is feminine