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The DSS (Dual Set-Up System) cards in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon are found throughout the game in different locations including boss fights, hidden rooms, or dropped by enemies. Some are also obtained by combining cards. It's important to explore thoroughly and experiment with card combinations to find them all.

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2mo ago

The DSS (Dual Set-Up System) cards in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon are found throughout the game in different locations including boss fights, hidden rooms, or dropped by enemies. Some are also obtained by combining cards. It's important to explore thoroughly and experiment with card combinations to find them all.

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14y ago

The DS cards are located in different locations. The first two, Mercury and Salamander, you can get if you beat up a lot of enemy's in the Catacombs. The next card you can get is the Mandaroga card. You can get these from the armored knight in Abyss Stairway. Some cards you can get from random enemy's. When you have to go get the Unicorn and Blackdog cards, you have to get them in Battle arena. You can get them from the White Armors and Devil Armors. Battle arena is located in Chapel Tower. Good luck going through there. Make sure that you are prepared. I wouldn't go in until you are at least in the 50's or 60's. If you are doing Gradius, that's a different story. The Apollo card is obtained from a Arch demon in Underground Warehouse. The Saturn card is obtained from the Fallen Angel near Battle arena. The Uranus card is obtained from the Scary Candles in Machine Tower in the room where you fought the Golem. The Golem card is obtained from the Electric skeletons. I usually get that in Abyss stairway. The Cockatrice card is obtained from the Stone armors. You can get it when you are in Machine Tower. When you go up, towards the 3rd part of Machine Tower. Keep going right and you will see a spot where you can slide under. I usually get the Mars card from the Bloody Sword enemy's in Chapel Tower. You can get the Diana card from the Man Eater's in Underground Gallery. I usually get the Neptune card from Ice Armor's in Underground Waterway. Do be careful when you come up to these guys. They do some serious damage so be careful. In order to get the Pluto card you have to go to the room where you fought Cerebrus. You will find a candle just like in Machine Tower. Make sure that you defeat and it will eventually drop the card. It does take some time. So, hopefully you are patient. I usually get Venus from a random enemy so keep your eyes open. I usually get the Manticore card from the Thunder Demons in Machine Tower. I usually get the Thunderbird card from the Dullahan's in Observation Tower. You can get the Griffin card from the Siren's. I usually get it in Underground Waterway. I usually see myself getting the Serpent card from a random enemy. So, definetly beat the enemy's if you can. You can get the Jupiter card if you beat the Flame shades in Machine Tower.

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How do you equip dss cards in castlevania circle of the moon?

In Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, DSS cards are equipped by going to the menu screen and selecting the "DSS" option. From there, you can select two cards to combine to activate different effects. Cards have to be gathered throughout the game in order to use them.

How do you beat Dracula in castlevania circle of the moon?

First of all, Dracula has two forms. The first form is pretty simple. You really don't need much for this fight. Mainly, just try to make sure that you are at least in the high level 40 section. After you defeat him the first time, a yellow light will appear. After the conversation, go back to the Catacombs and save! You don't want to face Dracula's first form again. Now, after you've saved and are ready to go, it's time to beat the game. My suggestion for the real Dracula is to have Uranus. You can find Uranus in Machine Tower. Just go back to the Golem's room and you will find two blue candles. Defeat the candles. Eventually one of them will give you Uranus. I personally use in this entire fight Uranus plus Thunderbird. What Uranus does is it summons a monster based on the card that you use. Just press pad down+left+up+left+B and you will summon whatever monster you have equipped. I suggest not to use the Mandaroga or the Black Dog. The Mandaroga doesn't do anything and Black dog will most likely heal Dracula. You also can't use the Unicorn either. It only heals you. It doesn't attack. Mainly my suggestion is to use either the Cockatrice or Thunderbird. Although both waste the most MP, they both can get the job done. As I mentioned earlier, I personally use the Thunderbird. It's my favorite. Plus, the electricity lasts for a while. When it comes to Dracula, you need to hit him on the eye in the center of his body. Keep Dracula on the ground level. There is a platform above you. You should use it to help you keep away from Dracula's attacks. After a while, Dracula will turn green. This second part can be tricky and it could kill you. But, have no fear! Continue staying on the platform in the center of the room. When Dracula shows up and charges at you, immediately use Roc Wing. You will be able dodge Dracula's attack. Keep doing this until he stops. Then, you will see a flock of bats surrounding an eye. Using either Cockatrice or Thunderbird, you definitely have a shot to hit the eye. That's really your main target throughout the entire fight. Keep repeating the Roc Wing and then summoning process. You will end up killing Dracula. There's some good news about Circle of the Moon. The credits aren't that long. You can actually skip them. Even if you don't, the credits don't take long to go by. Then, after you finish Vampire Killer, you will unlock Fireball mode. This mode allows you to have all of the DSS cards. Repeat the process of beating the mode and see what you get to unlock.

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To remove the Trojan downloader Nebular S, you should run a full scan of your computer with reputable antivirus software and follow the removal instructions provided. Make sure your antivirus definitions are up to date and consider using additional malware removal tools if necessary. It's also important to update your operating system and software to patch any vulnerabilities the Trojan may have exploited.

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How do you equip dss cards in castlevania circle of the moon?

In Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, DSS cards are equipped by going to the menu screen and selecting the "DSS" option. From there, you can select two cards to combine to activate different effects. Cards have to be gathered throughout the game in order to use them.

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First of all, you need to beat the game as Vampire Killer. After the credits end, you will then receive a message telling you to put your name as Fireball. Fireball is magician mode. Fireball allows you to have all of the DSS cards. You get an extreme amount of MP. So, go through the game again and see what happens.

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