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Austria-Hungary demanded that the Serbian government undertake the following:

1.To suppress any publication which incites to hatred and contempt of the Austrian Monarchy

2.To dissolve immediately the society styled Narodna Odbrana National Defence, and to proceed in the same manner against the other societies which engage in Propaganda against Austria

3.To eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, both as regards the teaching body and the methods of instruction, all that serves or might serve to foment propaganda against Austria-Hungary

4.To remove from the military service and the administration in general all officers guilty of propaganda against Austria-Hungary, names of which were to be provided by the Austro-Hungarian government

5.To accept the collaboration in Serbia of organs of the Austro-Hungarian government in the suppression of the subversive movement directed against the territorial integrity of the monarchy

6.To take judicial proceedings against the accessories to the plot of June 28th who are on Serbian territory, with the help and direction of organs delegated by the Austro-Hungarian government

7.To immediately arrest two named persons implicated by the preliminary investigation undertaken by Austria-Hungary

8.To prevent by effective measures the cooperation of Serbia in the illicit traffic in arms and explosives across the frontier

9.To furnish Austria-Hungary with explanations regarding statements from high Serbian officials both in Serbia and abroad, who have expressed hostility towards Austria-Hungary

10.To notify Austria-Hungary without delay of the execution of the measures.

The Serbian government agreed to all but one of the demands, noting that participation in its judicial proceedings by a foreign power would violate its constitution. Austria-Hungary nonetheless broke off diplomatic relations (July 25) and declared war (July 28) through a telegram sent to the Serbian government.

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Q: In Austria-Hungary's ultimatum to Serbia what specifically was the term that was turned down and why?
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