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Immobilization is to fix as _____is to carry off.

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Q: Immobilization is to fix as what is to carry off?
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What has the author Leon Nielsen written?

Leon Nielsen has written: 'Chemical immobilization of wild and exotic animals' -- subject(s): Animal immobilization, Animal anesthesia 'Chemical immobilization in urban animal control work' -- subject(s): Animal immobilization, Control, Urban animals

What characteristics does a normal immobilization have?

Normally, the surgical or injured area heals appropriately with the help of immobilization. The form of immobilization can be discontinued, which is followed by an appropriate rehabilitation program under the supervision of a physical therapist.

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How should patients be prepared for immobilization?

There are many reasons for immobilization using splints, casts, and braces. Each person should understand his or her diagnosis clearly.

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No, they are not permitted to carry on or off duty. They are required to obtain a liscense if they want to carry off duty

Is the engine immobilization light in the ford focus supposed to flash all of the time when the cars ignition is off?

Yes. It only goes out when the proper coded key is inserted in the ignition.

When was The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off created?

The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off was created in 1965.

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It carry out photosynthesis.It fix carbon and provide energy.

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Can denver sheriffs carry fire arms off duty?

Any law enforcement officer can carry a weapon off duty. Some departments even require officers to carry weapons off duty.