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it is possible, I would have to hear the noise or read a really good description of it to know for sure.

there are 2 main things that make noise in a computer when they die, the hard drive or a fan, and both can cause crashing

Here is a tip to figure out which is which.

Open the case. Start up the computer. wait for it to make this noise. then VERY CAREFULLY stop one of the fans with your fingers (the fan will not hurt you but BE CAREFUL not to touch ANYTHING else in the computer or you may get a nasty shock). Do this to all fans in turn, start with the CPU fan (the one on the motherboard) as this one is the most likely culprit for crashing. If the noise does not stop when stopping any of the fans, there is still one fan left that is hard to reach. The power supply fan (DO NOT attempt to stop this fan, the power supply can kill you) put your ear close to the power supply, then close to the hard drive, figure out which one is louder and you have your answer. Replace the fan that makes the noise, or if it is the hard drive I'd recommend taking it to a repair shop so they can back up all your data

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Q: If your computer keeps crashing and making weird noises is it dying?
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