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well some tatoo stores allow 16 and over but most will just allow 18 and over

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Q: If your 16 and emancipated can you get a tattoo?
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How old do you have to be to get emancipated in Kansas?

yes you can get emancipated in kansas

If you're emancipated can you get a tattoo?

To my knowledge the legal age for tattooing in most states is 18.

If emancipated can you get married in the state of missouri?

If you are emancipated, and at least 16, yes you can get married. Marriage is another way of getting emancipated.

Can a 16 year old get married to an 18 year old in Washington if emancipated?

yes but only if the 16 year old was emancipated.

Are you emancipated if your married at 16 in Nashville TN?

If you are married you are emancipated. That is how it works in all states.

Can you legally move out when you are 16?

no. you should be 18, but if you are emancipated by 16 you can.

Can a emancipated 16 year old get married in La without parental consent?

Yes, if she is emancipated.

Can be on your own at 16 if you are pregnant?

If you are emancipated by the courts.

When you are emancipated at 16 in Georgia what are the laws on the age of people you date?

Emancipated or not, you can date anyone you want as long as the person you date is 16 or older; the legal age of consent in Georgia is 16.

If a boy got his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant are they considered emancipated?

No, pregnancy does not make you emancipated.