You'll get a crick in your neck, and you will get bored. Nothing bad happens when you look at the Moon.
If you stare at the Moon for a long time, you may experience eye strain or discomfort due to the bright light it reflects from the sun. However, looking at the Moon for short periods should not cause any harm to your eyes. Just be sure not to try looking at it through a telescope without proper filters to protect your eyesight.
A lunar eclipse can only happen during a full moon when the Earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, casting its shadow on the moon.
Solar eclipses happen during the new moon phase, when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, blocking out the sunlight.
A "lunar" eclipse can not happen during the new moon phase it can only happen when the moon is full.
Spring tides occur roughly twice a month, during the full moon and new moon phases. They happen when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned, resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides than usual.
For a new moon to occur the moon must be between earth and the sun
yes it does because every day i always at the beginning of the month i would look at the moon for the moon cycle
No. People look at the full moon all the time. If this was the case people of all sorts would have powers. Go out on the next full moon, look at it, and see if you have powers. You won't because it can't happen. Think.
The disc would fly for a very long time, since there is no gravity on the moon.
The kid (boy/girl) will become an Oozaru/Great Ape.
Look in the related link below for information on this subject.
For that to happen, the interior of the Earth would have had to cool and weather would have ceased to exist. Not a pretty picture. Look at the moon as an example.
like a blood red moon or a brown red moon. its scary go see it
Moon. happened in 1997.
i have a sheep and she will not get pregnant.i had her for a long time.
A lunar eclipse can only happen during a full moon when the Earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, casting its shadow on the moon.
We landed on the moon.
the moon has to be in front of the earth