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It's a broad question, but it's possible. It's possible to die from drinking too much water too, and that has happened at college hazing sessions. As far as closer to your question, there has been a report of a person that died from drinking too many energy drinks, in too short a period of time and suffering a heart attack. So, yes, it's possible to die from drinking too much Mt. Dew.

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Q: If you drink a lot of Mountain Dew can you die?
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Is there a difference a red bull drink and a Mountain Dew drink?

There is a lot of difference .. because red bull is an energy drink while mountain dew is a carbonated drink .

Does Mountain Dew make you have to pee more?

In my opinion, yes. Whenever I drink mountain dew, I am constantly going to the bathroom, especially when I have diet mountain dew.

Why Is mountain dew a solution?

Mountain Dew is a solution because it is a combination of a lot of ingredients into a mixture that looks identical throughout the whole substance

How many cans of mountain dew are sold a year?

The exact number of cans of Mountain Dew sold in a year can vary based on factors such as market demand, production capacity, and distribution channels. However, according to industry reports and sales data, it is estimated that millions of cans of Mountain Dew are sold globally each year. Beverage companies typically track these figures closely to monitor sales performance and market trends.

Does mountain Dew contain drugs?

No. Mountain Dew does not contain worms.

How is Mountain Dew and steroids basically similar?

Well, mountain dew Has a lot of caffeine and sugar Making your hyper for the moment Giving you A rush

Is Mountain Dew a solution?

Mountain Dew is a solution because it is a combination of a lot of ingredients into a mixture that looks identical throughout the whole substance

What is the pop that rots your teeth the most pepsi mountaindew or coca cola?

Mountain dew does it has a lot of acid more then coke and pepsi. Scientists belive that mountain dew can also lower your sperm count but the scientists are not sure and it is an urban myth.

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It sounds weird, but Mountain Dew always worked for me. I smoked two days before a urine test in a hospital and passed it because I always drink Mountain Dew. I think it has a lot to do with all of the caffine, which is a natural diuretic. I've also heard cranberry juice. Obviously, drinking a lot of water everyday will help, and water pills too.

What has more caffeine Mountain Dew or coffee?

How it's spelled. The taste. The color. The smell. Is that a serious question? It's just Cherry-flavored Mountain Dew with higher caffeine content. Introduced in 2001, it was the first widely successful flavor extension; In its first year of production, Code Red increased overall sales of Mountain Dew by 6 percent

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I believe that it is 7Up or Mountain Dew because just like coke and pepsi they taste a lot alike.

How do Indians take care of their children?

We always ask the bartender for a bag of chips and a Mountain Dew to take out to the car in the parking lot.