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Yes, the name of the specific club should be capitalized.

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Q: If you are referring to a specific club in a sentence do you capitalize?
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No, if you are referring to any country club it is NOT capitalized. I went golfing at the country club. If it is a specific country club, you capitalize it. I went golfing at the Summertime Country Club.

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Yes, you should capitalize "Chess Club" as it is a specific name or title of a club.

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Yes, "Country Club" should be capitalized in a sentence as it functions as a proper noun.

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If you are talking casually about a school that has a longer formal name, then no, you would not capitalize. It's possible that there is a club or restaurant somewhere named "The University", in which case you would capitalize.

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No, except at the beginning of a sentence because it is not a proper noun.

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You would have to be specific as to which club card you are referring to.

Do you capitalize names of high school clubs?

If you use the specific full name of the club then, yes, it should be capitalized.

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It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Example: Tunnel Club Milano

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The words that should be capitalized unless they are the first words of a sentence are Sun (referring to our Sun), President (when referring to a specific president), and Earth (when referring to our planet). Department should not be capitalized unless it is the first word of a sentence.

Should you capitalize the word president?

Yes, the word "President" should be capitalized when referring to a specific individual holding the title of President of a country or organization. However, it should not be capitalized when used in a general sense (e.g. "the president of the club").

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