Sydney, Australia is 9 time zones ahead of London, UK. Therefore, if it is 6:30 AM in London it is 3:30 PM of the same day in Sydney.
During December, when the time in Sydney is 9 PM AEDT, the time in London is 10 AM GMT.
it will be 7am the next day in sydney :P
10 pm UK time is 9 am the next day in Sydney. Sydney is 11 hours ahead of UK time.
In sydney it is 10 hours ahead of the UK
If it is 1800 hours in Australia, it would be 0900 hours (9:00 AM) the next day in the UK. Australia is typically around 9-11 hours ahead of the UK, depending on the specific region in Australia.
0061 2 then local area code
The air distance from Sydney, Australia, to Glastonbury, England, United Kingdom, is 10,680 miles. That equals 17,188 kilometers or 9,280 nautical miles.
When London (UTC/UTC+1) is on Summer Time and Sydney (UTC+10/UTC+11) is on Standard Time (from the 1st Sunday of April to the 1st Sunday of October), Sydney is 9 hours ahead of London.When London and Sydney are both on Summer Time (from the last Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of April and from the 1st Sunday of October to the last Sunday of October), Sydney is 10 hours ahead of London.When London is on Standard Time and Sydney is on Summer Time (from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March), Sydney is 11 hours ahead of London.So in June, 1 PM BST in London = 10 PM Eastern Standard Time in Sydney.In mid-October, 1 PM BST in London = 11 PM Eastern Summer Time in Sydney.In December, 12 noon GMT in London = 11 PM Eastern Summer Time in Sydney.
23.5 hours via Abu Dhabi
The world was recovering from WWI, discovering the Jazz Age, and generally having a good time. Women were getting the vote in the UK (they had had it for many years in Australia and New Zealand).
From early April to early October, Sydney (UTC+10) is eight hours ahead of Cape Town (UTC+2).During the rest of the year, Sydney (UTC+11) is nine hours ahead of Cape Town (UTC+2).2 PM SAST = 10 PM AEST = 11 PM AEDT
the time will be 9:00