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The only particles with significant mass in an atom are the protons and neutrons. Each has a mass of 1 amu (equals 1 mass number). The oxygen atom with 8 protons and 8 neutrons would have a mass number of 16. The mass of the electrons is insignificant, like the flies on the elephants back.

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13y ago

in chemistry all elements have the same amount of electrons,protons and atomic number

so if an element has an atomic number of say 64 the electrons and protons will be 64 but not the oxygen has an atomic nuber of 8, and 8 electrons and protons. but im not sure about neutrons

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15y ago

Oxygen has 8 electrons in its unionized state. While the number of electrons and protons are normally the same, an element may gain or lose electrons when ionized.

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9y ago

Oxygen is a non meta element. Atomic number of it is 19.

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14y ago

If it is a stable, neutral atom, 8 protons (positive charge), 8 electrons (negative charge).

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13y ago

Oxygen has 8 protons.

Atomic number is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus.

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10y ago

In an uncharged atom the number of electrons is the same as the atomic number of the element. So, it's eight.

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10y ago

8. 8 electrons and 8 protons. mass number of 16 means 8 neutrons also

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16y ago


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Q: How many electrons are in an oxygen atom thgat has an atomic number of 8?
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