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Q: If aed equals 100 what is the measure of dec?
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If AD is 10 units AB is 8 units AC is 12 is units ED is 4.5 units and if AED is 100 degrees what is the measure of DEC?

80 degrees.

What percentage of 60 equals 5?

Work backwards in this case: DEC x 60 = 5 DEC = 5/60 DEC = 0.0833 PERCENTAGE = DEC x 100 = 0.0833 x 100 = 8.33% So the answer is 8.33%

What is the code in converting numbers to roman numerals in visual basics?

Function dec2rom(dec As Integer) As String dec2rom = "" While dec >= 1000 dec2rom += "M" dec -= 1000 End While If dec >= 900 Then dec2rom += "CM" dec -= 900 End If If dec >= 500 Then dec2rom += "D" dec -= 500 End If If dec >= 400 Then dec2rom += "CD" dec -= 400 End If While dec >= 100 dec2rom += "C" dec -= 100 End While If dec >= 90 Then dec2rom += "XC" dec -= 90 End If If dec >= 50 Then dec2rom += "L" dec -= 50 End If If dec >= 40 Then dec2rom += "XL" dec -= 40 End If While dec >= 10 dec2rom += "X" dec -= 10 End While If dec >= 9 Then dec2rom += "IX" dec -= 9 End If If dec >= 5 Then dec2rom += "V" dec -= 5 End If If dec >= 4 Then dec2rom += "IV" dec -= 4 End If While dec dec2rom += "I" dec -= 1 End While End Function

What is 92 percent as a dec?

To convert 92% to decimal divide by 100: 92% ÷ 100 = 0.92

How do you create Hindu to Roman in visual basic?

Function dec2rom(dec As Integer) As String dec2rom = "" While dec >= 1000 dec2rom += "M" dec -= 1000 End While If dec >= 900 Then dec2rom += "CM" dec -= 900 End If If dec >= 500 Then dec2rom += "D" dec -= 500 End If If dec >= 400 Then dec2rom += "CD" dec -= 400 End If While dec >= 100 dec2rom += "C" dec -= 100 End While If dec >= 90 Then dec2rom += "XC" dec -= 90 End If If dec >= 50 Then dec2rom += "L" dec -= 50 End If If dec >= 40 Then dec2rom += "XL" dec -= 40 End If While dec >= 10 dec2rom += "X" dec -= 10 End While If dec >= 9 Then dec2rom += "IX" dec -= 9 End If If dec >= 5 Then dec2rom += "V" dec -= 5 End If If dec >= 4 Then dec2rom += "IV" dec -= 4 End If While dec dec2rom += "I" dec -= 1 End While End Function Sub Main() Dim year = 1999 Console.Write("The year ") Console.Write(year) Console.Write(" in Roman numerals is ") Console.Write(dec2rom(year)) Console.WriteLine() End Sub

What was the number 1 song on Dec 30 2005?

The #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 on 30 Dec 2005 was Don't Forget About Us by Mariah Carey.

How many gr are in one kg?

1000 dec = 10, cent = 100, kilo = 1000

How much is a p89 Ruger 9mm revovler worth in Dec 09?

100-400 or so

What is the highest the fTse 100 has ever reached and when?

I believe the FTSE was at its highest at 6950 on Dec 30 1999

Which days did it snow in Milwaukee wi in December 2008?

Dec 1 - 2.0 Dec 2 - .5 Dec 3 - 2.6 Dec 4 - 1.0 Dec 6 - 2.7 Dec 8 - .2 Dec 9 - 4.4 Dec 10 - 3.0 Dec 15 - .5 Dec 16 - 2.4 Dec 17 - 3.0 Dec 19 - 11.4 Dec 21 - 2.2 Dec 23 - 3 Dec 24 - 1.4 Dec 28 - .3 Dec 30 - .5 Dec 31 - 1.5 From the National Weather Service

Who is younger ant or dec?

ant.... or is it dec?

How many bolivars equals one dollar?

As of 14 Dec 2007 15:35 (EST) 2150 Venezuelan Bolivar (VEB) = 1 USD