Make sure that whatever you're reducing is a fraction, either proper or improper. Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator. If the GCF is greater than 1, divide both the numerator and the denominator by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
The lowest term has already been reduced as far as it will go. It is not possible to reduce it further.
As a fraction in its lowest terms: 67/100
3.12 as a fraction in its lowest terms is 78/25. (The mixed number equivalent is 33/25).
Write the number before the decimal point as the whole number and the bit after the decimal point as a fraction over 100, then reduce to lowest terms: 9.45 = 945/100 = 99/20
when you add mixed numbers you have a whole number but adding fraction does not.
The lowest term has already been reduced as far as it will go. It is not possible to reduce it further.
4 and 3/4
As a fraction 5.183 is 5183/1000 which can not be simplified any further. As a mixed number this is 5 183/1000.
First, you divide the two numbers, then you get the mixed number.Next,you just reduce it.OK
As a fraction in its lowest terms: 67/100
No. Mixed numbers are a number and a fraction.
Make them into improper fractions, find the least common denominator, convert them, subtract, reduce if possible.
57.55 = 57 55/100 Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms 57 11/20
mixed numbers
4/3 in mixed fraction in lowest terms = 1.3333333333333333
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
1.75 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4. The mixed number is 13/4