The judge set out to reprove the actions of the defendant as an example of unacceptable behavior .
First the defendant must demonstrate the existence of a new factor
The irrelevance of the the prosecuter's comment was objected by the defendant and for the remainder of the trial the prosecuter looked down in embarrassment.
Jarry use paroxysm in a sentence.\
The judge pardoned the defendant for there was insufficient evidence.
The two sides of the debate are the plaintiff and the defendant.
you are defendant of being a lierCorrection--The above is wrong and makes no sense --- "I call the defendant to the stand" (this is a term you would here in a court trial ----- Tigersy2k3
"I defy your denunciation!" shouted the defendant. The denunciation was, however, final.
The trial ended in an acquittal for the defendant.
The villain planned to imprison the hero in a dark dungeon.
No. If the defendant was found not guilty WHAT would the judge sentence them for?
The preponderance of evidence supported the conclusion that the defendant was guilty of the crime.
As a prosecution witness, will I see the defendant at court?
the defendant pleads guilty
The court decided to remand the defendant to a drug treatment center.
The judge set out to reprove the actions of the defendant as an example of unacceptable behavior .
First the defendant must demonstrate the existence of a new factor