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Q: How would Hyperthyroidism affect a patients health?
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What body system does hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism affects the endocrine system, particularly the thyroid gland. It results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones, which can lead to symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety.

A person with hyperthyroidism would be expected to have an abnormally high BMR?

A person with hyperthyroidism would be expected to have an abnormally high BMR.

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A good topic would be how does cultural competency training affect patient's overall care and experience. Does cultural competency work? If I were you, I would pick a subject that has to do with the social interactions nurses have with patients. How can a nurse make a patients experience more comfortable? How does this interaction affect their health and their overall experience in the health care system?

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Emotions can affect our physical health. A emotionally strong person would be healthy while weak one would not be healthy.

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How does Weberianism relate to health issues?

In brief, Weber amongst many, many other things), was very interested in the whole idea of bureaucracies including there regulations and rules acting as a system of control. In health such as system of control, in theory, would allow efficient and routine implementation of health care (as by following strict protocols much of the inefficient guess work and time consuming individual assessment and creation of treatment plans would be removed) which would also have the favorable by product of impartial provision of health care (as patients would be seen simply as a list of symptoms not a human being). Thus the question in health becomes is this the best way to treat patients? Can patients be seen as a list of symptoms? Or the is variability that exists in patients to great for such a system to be useful in health?

What is the definition of health care communication?

Health care communication is a term that refers to how doctors, nurses, patients, and insurance company communicate. This is very important because if communication was not done, bills would not be paid by insurance companies and patients could receive incorrect care.

What is the best diet for hyperthyroidism patients?

Yes, there is often weight loss with hyperthyroidism due to increased metabolism of all the cells in the body. Some patients have mild hyperthyroidism that doesn't result in decreased weight. Rarely, some patients may experience weight gain, often due to increased ability to absorb nutrients from the gut.

How does culture affect health?

some cultures may affect health like Muslims have strict rules through their religon im not sure what they are ATM but it would be useful to find out what the Muslim rules are.

Does the over production of tsh cause hypothyroidism?

No. An overproduction of TSH would cause hyperthyroidism.

Does marijuana affect asthmatic patients?

It is a natural bronchodilator. Therefore it is not harmful to asthma patients and can even make it easier for them to breathe. However using a vaporizer to consume it would be more gentle than smoking it .

How would the depletion of the ozone layer affect human health?

The depletion of ozone is in variance with human health. More UV's more deterioration.