

Best Answer

The Saxophone is the only Woodwind that was not originally made of wood

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Q: How was the saxophone construted?
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The dam that contains Hume Lake was construted in 1909.

What is the word saxophone in French?

The word "saxophone" in French is "saxophone".

What instrument did bil Clinton play?

Bill Clinton played the tenor saxophone.

What is the newest kind of saxophone?

Tubax saxophone or the Sub-Contrabass Saxophone

What is a plucker on a saxophone?

There is no such thing as a plucker on a saxophone because i know a saxophone inside and out.

How do you use saxophone in a sentence?

The saxophone is a single-reed wind instrument, that comes in several voices, including the alto saxophone and the tenor saxophone.

What is the smalest saxophone?

The soprillo saxophone.

What does a saxophone had inside it?

Learn English - What does a saxophone have inside it?Answer - it is hollow - there is nothing inside a saxophone

What are saxophone repertoires?

The saxophone repertoire is any music written for saxophone, or transcribed for saxophone. This makes this music specific to saxophone and therefore playable on saxophone. Popular classical saxophone repertoire includes such pieces as Concerto-Glazunov, Concertino da Camera-Ibert, Sonata-Creston, Scaramouche-Milhaud.