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Q: How was the people of the Soviet Union react to the independence of many eastern European countries?
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How did the people of the soviet union react to the independence of how many eastern European countries?

They staged a revolution against Gorbachev's regime.

How many people of the Soviet Union react to the independence of many Eastern European countries?

They staged a revolution against Gorbachev's regime.

Why do Eastern European countries have a lower GDP per capita than Western European countries?

The European Union was founded by Western European countries while Eastern European countries were still occupied by the Soviet Union.

What is the largest of the Eastern European nations outside of the Soviet Union?

Ukraine is the largest of the European countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

Is eastern Europe and the Soviet Union the same?

No. The now defunct Soviet Union consisted of many countries that spread from the east of Europe to the east of Asia. Some of the countries in eastern Europe were part of what was known as the Soviet bloc, but not part of the Soviet Union. This would have included countries like Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, amongst others. Some of the eastern European countries, that now have their independence, like Lithuania, Lativa and Estonia, were part of the Soviet Union.

How did people of the Soviet Union to the independence of many eastern European countries?

They staged a revolution against Gorbachev's regime.

What eastern European government gained some independence after the anti-soviet demonstrations in 1956?


Eastern European countries whose policies were dictated by Soviet Union?


What did the soviet union and the eastern European countries form in response?

the warsaw pact

What were the eastern European countries whose policies were influenced by the soviet union called?

WARSAW Pact countries.

What effects did destalinization have on soviet satellite countries?

After Stalin's death, Nikita Khrushchev was the dominant next Soviet leader. He and more moderate Soviet leader allowed satellite countries more independence, as long as they remained allied powers with the Soviet Union. This changed the perspectives in many of the eastern European countries as they slowly started active protests. Hungary and Czechoslovakia were from the first countries that started revolutions. Generally, the satellite countries, which included Georgia and other eastern European countries, were able to form their own government after their encounter with the rampage of Russian Communism.

Eastern European countries whose policies were dictated by the Soviet Union?

they were called satellites