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Lutinos are often difficult to sex visually because of the lack of colour contrast. A female lutino cockatiel will usually have spots on the underside of the flight feathers and barring or stripes on the underside of the tail feathers. This difference in the sexes can only be used to sex adult birds as all young birds ie under 6 months old look like females.

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17y ago
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8y ago

Depending on the coloration of your individual cockatiel, a wild coloration male will have brighter cheek patches. Females tend to have dull orange, while males will have a deep red or red orange circle on their cheek. If you have lutinos, pearls, and pieds, this can be a difficult way to determine gender, and you are better off having your bird DNA sexed by a veterinarian.

I hope I'm adding my two cents correctly here: A vet can tell the sex of a cockatiel by checking the size of the hip bones in the vent but an even easier way to check on your own is to look at the underside of the tail feathers (I don't know if this alplies to albino tiels). If the tail feathers are a soild grey it's a male, if they are horizonatally striped it's female. The bright cheeks and extra yellow in the face are also male traits but it's hard to be sure sometimes unless you have two birds to compare against one another. Hope this helps!

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8y ago

The only way of visually sexing these birds is after their first moult as all young cockatiels look like females. Male cockatiels are characterised by their brighter cheek patches, usually orange in appearance, as they get older. Females also have cheek patches but they are paler.

There is an urban myth that males have striped/barred or spotted tails and females do not. There is no evidence to substantiate this. There seems to be more evidence to support the contrary theory, that males have a solid slate grey underside to their tail, while females have a barred or mottled underside. However, it need to be noted that, with the many variations that have been bred into cockatiels since they became popular aviary birds, both males and females can have variegated tail feathers. Reputable bird identification websites will show that this is not always the case.

An avian specialist can also tell the difference through the width of the pelvic bones. Females' pelvic bones are wider than males.

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12y ago

When they are young there isn't really a way of telling apart from feeling the pelvic bones. Females will have wider set bones and males will have narrower. However, don't try this unless you are an experienced breeder as it can cause injury t the bird (such as bone breakage). With the wild grey cockatiels (the normal ones) the females will almost always have spots under their tail. Also, when the wild grey cockatiels get older you will notice less or no yellow on the female's face. You can get cockatiels tested by veterinarians which is the only 100% guarantee method. If you buy your cockatiel as a sexually mature adult the pet store workers or breeder should be able to tell you but once again only if it is an adult.

As for personality and behaviour both genders are similar from birth to about 9-12 months when the males will begin to mimick tunes and become quite assertive. Females will not usually do this however there are exceptions. Females are generally cuddlier if you have trained them correctly and if they were hand raised.

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12y ago

Male cockatiels are more colorful and have prettier markings. They also have brighter orange on their cheeks, as females have a light orange color. Females will also have "bars" on their tail feathers and under the wings.

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11y ago

You can tell the gender of a lutino by the cheaks. You could also tell because, under the wing, the female has more yellow stripes than the male (iWARNING: Do not pick the wing, check the wing with a flashlight AT DISTANCE-ABOUT 1 METER-,OHH, and also don't point at their eyes)!

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12y ago

after a few months to a year the under side of your birds tail will either be a solid colour (male) or have a pattern (female)

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12y ago

if a cockatiel is a boy he usually will have brighter colors like yellow,orange, and bright colors. females usually have more less bright colors like grey or blackish kinda things.

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8y ago

It depends on the type of cockatiel one the female has bars under her tail one the males cheeks are brighter and one has no signs what so ever.

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