Come sta, Signorina is an Italian equivalent of 'How are you, young lady'. The phrase in Italian is pronounced 'KOH-may stah, see-nyoh-REE-nah'. The adverb 'come' means 'how'. The verb 'sta' means '[he/she/it] is, stands'. The feminine gender noun 'signorina' means 'young lady'.
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giovani donne
Giovane (young) e bellissimo (beautiful)
Ciao, signorina! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, Miss!" The greeting also may be rendered into English as "Bye (goodbye), young lady!" according to context. Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation remains "tchow SEE-nyo-REE-na" in Italian.
Testa di giovinetta in Italian means "head of (a) young lady" in English.
Signorina is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase Yyoung woman." The feminine singular noun in question also may be translated into English as "Miss." The pronunciation will be "SEE-nyo-REE-na" in Italian.
sister = sorrella young = giovani young sister = giovane sorella.
Giovane is a literal Italian equivalent of the English word "young." The feminine/masculine singular adjective also may be translated loosely into English as "lively" or "sparkling" in regard to youth or "fresh," "soft," "unripened," or "uncured" in terms of foods. The pronunciation will be "DJO-va-ney" in Italian.
Una signorina is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "a young lady." The feminine singular phrase also translates literally as "one young lady" in English. The pronunciation will be "OO-na SEE-nyo-REE-na" in Pisan Italian.
Signorine is an Italian equivalent of the English word "Misses." The feminine plural noun also translates as "young ladies" in English. The pronunciation will be "SEE-nyo-REE-ney" in Italian.
Bella signorina is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful young woman." The pronunciation of the feminine singular adjective and noun will be "BEL-la SEE-nyo-REE-NA" in Italian.
"Boy" is an English equivalent of the Italian word ragazzo. The masculine singular noun also translates into English as "boyfriend" and "young man" according to context. The pronunciation will be "ra-GAT-tso" in Italian.
Bellissimo giovane! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hot man!" The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Gorgeous young man!" or "Handsomest youth!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bel-LEES-see-mo DJO-va-ney" in Pisan Italian.