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Jack up car, remove wheel, remove brake caliber. the rotor will pull right off

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Q: How to remove front rotors on 93 geo storm?
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How do you remove the front rotors on a 1998 Geo Metro?

Remoce wheels Remove 2 caliper mounting bolts Slide caliper off rotor Remove rotor

How do you take out the back seat on a geo storm gsi?

you need to push down and back on the front of the bottom seat to remove the clips out of the brackets

Where is oxygen sensor on a 93 geo storm?

It's threaded into the front of your exhaust manifold.

How do you change the fuel pump in a 1992 Geo Storm?

Remove the fuel tank then the gauge and pump.

Have a 1993 geo storm doch 1.6 motor have a front seal leak but you can't get the crank pulley to budge to remove it what are you doing wrong?

Removing the crank pulley requires an impact wrench

How do you replace the thermostat on a 1992 Geo Storm GSI?

To replace a thermostat on a 1992 Geo Storm first locate the its housing. Once found drain the coolant system and remove the housing from the engine. Replace the thermostat.

How do you check the thermostat on 1991 Geo Storm?

Remove it an drop it into a pan of boiling water to see if it opens

How do you replace a key tumbler in a 1990 Geo Storm?

Remove the unit from the column and take it to a locksmith and have it re-keyed.

How do you remove rotor from 92 Geo Metro?

to remove brake rotors you will need to remove the hub assembly. you will need a slide hammer. unless you have this tool and lots of patience i would recommend letting a mechanic work on it.

Where is the fuel filter located on a 1993 Geo Storm?

It is next to the drivers side wheel well. You have to remove the air cleaner housing to get to it.

How do you remove a window crank on A Geo storm?

There is a retaining ring just on the inside of the handle. Once you get that off the crank will come off.

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