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There are several processes in the body that help eliminate waste products from the body; the skin releases waste through sweat, the lungs eliminate CO2, the kidneys eliminate liquid waste products like urea, and the gastrointestinal system eliminates undigested food, dead bacteria, and by products of dead red blood cells as feces.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

The body eliminates waste through various organs and processes. The kidneys filter waste from the blood to produce urine, the liver processes waste to be excreted in bile, the colon removes solid waste through bowel movements, and the lungs expel waste gases like carbon dioxide through respiration. Sweat glands also help eliminate waste by releasing toxins through the skin.

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14y ago

Food is taken into the body through the mouth where the process of digestion begins. It is broken down by the chomping action of the teeth and enzymes in saliva. It then passes through the esophagus and into the stomach where it is broken down further by acids. It then passes through the small and large intestines where nutrients are drawn out of it, and the waste product left over finally passes through the last part of the large intestine known as the rectum, and is excreted through the anus.

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12y ago

body eliminate wastes in form of asolid feeces and urine.kidney filters blood and excrete urine as enters from mouth to stomch which stores food which then pases to small intestineand large intestine where absorption occurs and waste are excreted as solid feeces............

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13y ago

There are many processes a body uses to get rid of unwanted wastes. Here are afew; excretion, sweating, in some cases perging(vomiting) also the kidneys filter the wastes from the blood. There are many more processes you can look up on Google search engine (BTW it is ok to get or check up on some ideas from wiki answers and wikepidia, though they can be unreliable at times as people can change the answers).

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15y ago

fiber helps clean out the wastes of the body

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13y ago

By filtering the blood the the liver and kidneys, along with riding itself of carbon dioxide using the respiratory system.

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10y ago

The body gets rid of waste through the sweating and excretory systems. Some waste is removed through sweat, while other waste is removing through urination and defecation.

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15y ago

by stool,urine and sweat

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Why do you need to eliminate our body wastes?

The metabolic processes make watses. Most of these in higher concentrations are toxic. If you don't get rid of them you die.

Why you need to eliminate solid wastes or feces?

Eliminating solid wastes or feces is necessary to prevent the accumulation of toxins and harmful bacteria in the body. Failure to eliminate these wastes can lead to digestive issues, nutrient absorption problems, and potential infections. It is a natural and essential process for maintaining overall health and well-being.

What makes up the kidneys?

the kidneys are made up of even smaller parts .some parts eliminate wastes that are no longer needed by the body

What make up kidneys?

the kidneys are made up of even smaller parts .some parts eliminate wastes that are no longer needed by the body

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Yes, all living creatures eliminate wastes.

What excretory structure which helps to eliminate solid wastes?

The excretory structure that helps to eliminate solid wastes is the large intestine, specifically the rectum and anus. Solid waste, also known as feces, is stored in the rectum until it is expelled through the anus during a bowel movement.

Why you need to excrete waste?

wastes occupy space in the body and these wastes are metabolic wastes that are toxic in the body. In short, you will die If you can't take away the wastes in your body because of toxicity.

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flatworms live in lakes and rivers. they also dont have a resptory or a circulatory system. they eliminate wastes through the body walls using diffusion.