4'10-5'3 is perfect :D
im a 7th grader and iām 5ā3 1/2 people say iām tall but iām small compared to the boys in my class
welll i am going into 7th grade and im 6'3 im sad tho everybody in my grade is almost 8 feet :(
about 110 centimeters
The phrase "six year old" should be hyphenated when used as an adjective before a noun, as in "She is a six-year-old girl."
The weight of a six year old should be in between 30-40lbs.
It is just above six feet tall for thirteen year old girls, unless they are very tall.
About 6'4" would be my guess
how many calories should a six year old intake per day?
I think I was about 4'2-4'5 when I was six. Maybe a bit less.
A 6 year old should weight between 30 and 60 pounds depending on her height. +++ if he's short hell yeah if he's tall no
six foot one
A stone is equal to 14 pounds. Therefore, a six year old should weigh about 4 stones or 56 pounds.
kindergarten-2nt grade
Ask a dentist that's my opinion.