The role of Gabriella Montez was played by Vanessa Hudgens in the movie 'High School Musical'.
Vanessa Anne Hudgens plays Gabriella Montez.
Vanessa Hudgens did not appear in any of the Fast and the Furious films.
The character Gabriella Montez's real name is Vanessa Hudgens.
Vanessa Hudgens height?
vanessa is 5ft 3 inches
She's 5ft 1.5
Anne Her real name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens born on the 14th of december 1988!
Vanessa Hudgens' full name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens.
Vanessa Hudgens
Stella hudgens is vanessa hudgens sister she looks abitt like vanessa
Vanessa hudgens rocks you go vanessa hudgens from Ramneek Australia Vic Melbourne
vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does
Vanessa Hudgens father's name is: Greg Hudgens.
Vanessa Hudgens' father, Greg Hudgens, is presumably at home enjoying his retirement with his wife Gina, Vanessa Hudgens' mother.