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About 4 feet tall.

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10-30 feet

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about 1.5 m

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Q: How tall is a average swan?
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What is as tall as a ceiling?

an average ceiling is about 7 and a half feet tall

What is the script for miss swan at Starbucks?

SE: Listen, people, can you please have your money ready? It makes the line move a lot quicker. *woman hands her money* Thank you; your macchiato will come up over at the bar, so just go on over there, thank you ver much. Next in line, please! *Ms. Swan approaches* Hi, welcome to Starbucks. Can I take your order?Ms. Swan: Ya, ya.SE: Okay, do you know what you'd like?Ms. Swan: Ya, ya. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm-SE: 'K, so what'll it be?Ms. Swan: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-Customer: Come on!SE: Listen, ma'am, if you're not ready, I'm going to help this lady.Ms. Swan- No, no, I ready. No, no no no, no. I like to get a cup of coffee.SE: What kind of coffee?Ms. Swan: Oh, In a cup.SE: Yeah, I know, in a cup, but what kind?Ms. Swan: Oh, maybe paper, styrafoam cup.SE: Listen, ok, are you looking to get, like, an iced coffee or maybe a hot coffee?Ms. Swan: Oh... What's the difference?SE: One would be iced, one would be hot.Ms. Swan Oh, like you and me. *points to Mo* Iced, *points to herself* and hot.Customer: Ok, why are you so stupid? Just order! God!Ms. Swan: Hey! You on edge, sister! No more coffee for you!SE: Ya know, ma'am, trust me, I've seen these people without coffee, and they can even get violent then. So just, please, just tell me what you want.Ms. Swan: Ok, I tell you everything. I want the coffee, in the thing, with the stuff on top, you know?SE: What thing?Ms. Swan: The one that go 'Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhhh.'SE: Ma'am, ma'am, that could be just about anything, you know? I mean, do you want, like, a latte, or a cappuccino, or a mocha frap? You want a carmel macchiato-Ms. Swan: Yeah, yeah, yeah.SE: A carmel macchiato? Is that what you want? A carmel macchiato?Ms. Swan: Oh, no sorry, I though you said 'Ralph Macchio'. I love him, 'The Karate Kid', yeah.Customer: Ok, you know what? Forget it, I'm ordering.Ms. Swan: Hey! Keep your pants on, Pippy Longstocking! Ok, ok, I take it.SE: Take what?Ms. Swan: The Ralph macchiato.SE: What size?Customer: Oh, no, please. Come on.Ms. Swan: Hey, hey, come on. Have a little faith. I like a small.SE: Ok, so you want the tall.Ms. Swan: No, don't tell me I want a tall! I tell you I want a small!SE: Ok, but I'm trying to tell you that here at Starbucks, a small is a tall.Ms. Swan: Tall is small? I suppose up is down and black is white?! Oh, you a trick dicky, you know that?SE: Know, ya know what? I'm really not. But ok, just listen up, alright? Here at Starbucks, what you got is you got your small is a tall, then you got your grande, and a venti is a large, ok?Ms. Swan: Ok, you know say that before. Ok, I get it now, it go like this: *points to herself* This is tall, and then *points to customer* this is grande, and this *points to man behind first customer* and a venti, yeah. *Walks inbetween 1st and 2nd customers* Now you have your grande, and tall, and venti.SE: Yes, ok, great, super, ya got it!Customer: Ok, you know what? I don't have time for this. Can I just get a tall latte, please?SE: Yes! Yes! Absolutely! Absolutely! *Yells to other SE* Tall latte!OSE: Tall latte!Ms. Swan: Tall latte!OSE: Tall latte!SE: Ma'am, please don't do that, you're confusing him. *Yells to OSE* Cancel the tall latte!Ms. Swan: Tall latte!SE: Please don't do that!Ms. Swan: Double half decaf cappuccino latte!OSE: Double half decaf cappuccino latte!Ms. Swan: Oh, I drunk with power, ooh!SE: Lady!Ms. Swan: Marco!OSE: Polo!Ms. Swan: Marco!OSE: Polo!SE: *Takes off apron* That is it! Ya know what? I quit!Ms. Swan: Oh, you didn't see that one coming, huh?SE: Ya, I don't know what the hell it is about people that come into Starbucks that makes y'all so damn stupid! All ya gotta do is ORDER, and leave! ORDER, and LEAVE! ORDER AND LEAVE!! *leaves store*Ms. Swan: *Talking to first customer* I tell you, that lady need to get laid.OSE: Here ya go, lady. *Hands her drinks*Ms. Swan: Oh, thanks to you. I so glad that you the new neighbor for Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon, yeah. You much nicer than the other lady, she loco. Yeah, she loco. *Yells to OSE* Cocoa!OSE: Cocoa!Ms. Swan: Double half decaf!OSE: Double half decaf!Ms. Swan: Double enchilada with ranch on the side!OSE: Double enchilada with ranch on the side!~*~ Scene fades away ~*~

How tall is a average frog?


How tall is the average Bulgarian?

Most are tall. Women are like 5'6-5'11 Men are super tall

Is 510 very tall or quite tall?

it is average height for a man but i'd say it is quite tall for a woman

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