Research "Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism" to find a local group. Also, ask yourself why you wish to worship Greek gods and what you expect to gain from the exchange.
Achilles beliefs were of the Greek gods
The main religion worshiping Greek Gods is called Hellenic. Though many New Age Pagans also worship them.
Sometimes they started worshiping the gods and goddesses of people they conquered--they took on the Greek religion, Christianity, Egyptian and Persian religions.
Anyone may stop or start worshiping any number of gods or goddesses at any time.
Nothing would happen. l don't think anyone believes in greek gods anymore.
it isn't really similar b/c greek worshipped "pretend gods" while christians worship a one true God.
He is one of the begin 4 gods in greek mythology. In Roman he is called Cupid.
In Buddhism gods and heavens are mentioned. But it is not about worshiping gods
Jesus was always against idol worship.And said it should not be practiced.
That's a tough one to answer. They always worshiped their gods in one fashion or another, though the names and importance of individuals changed over time. Since the names of the gods relate to what they did, it can be assumed that the prehistoric Greeks worshiped nature.