60 years old...
In December 2012, you would be 84 (or nearly so).
Currently nearing the end of 2009, you would have to have been born in 1929, or very late in 1928
If you were born on 12.12.89, you would be 20 years old.
If you were born in 1962, you would be 49 years old in 2011. If you were born in 1962, you would be 50 years old in 2012.
You would be 47 years old. 1928 - 1881 in 47. 47 + 1881 is 1928.
You would be 82 years old if you were born before Nov 17 in 1928; otherwise you would be 81 until your next birthday.
60 years old...
In December 2012, you would be 84 (or nearly so).
You would be 80 years old (81 on October 3rd.)
2017 - 1928 = 17 + 72 = 89 89th birthday will be in 2017
She was not born until 1928.
She was born February 20, 1928.
He was born in 1928 - you figure it out.
Mickey Mouse was created in 1928.