18 for long barreled Title I firearms (rifles and shotguns), 21 for handguns and any Title II tax stamped NFA firearms (short barreled rifles and shotguns, machine guns, etc.), the same as it is throughout the entire United States under federal law.
You will have to get a lawyer
Kentucky does not have registration of firearms. You CAN pawn a firearm that you own. The pawnbroker is required to make a record of your identification, and description of the gun, including serial number. If that gun is reported as stolen, you would have some explaining to do.
In New Zealand you have to be 18 to own a gun licence.
Old enough!
Depends on how the gun is carried, and what type of gun. You need to give us some information to get a meaningful answer. Every 18 yr old that goes deer hunting "carries" a gun in their vehicle.
i have a old gun and i need to find out how old it is and if it was used in a war long ago. i need to know who used to own the gun.
A 12 year old can't "own" a gun, since you have to be 18 to buy a rifle and 21 to buy a handgun.
In the U.S. you must be 21 to legally own a machine gun or any other class III item.
18 years old