To join collage, the estimated age is 19. But the proper age is really 18-20.
Why did you join this college? (You did join this college why?)Why - adverb, modifies the verb 'did join';did - auxiliary verb;you - personal pronoun, subject of the sentence;join - main verb;this - adjective, describes the noun 'college';college - noun, direct object of the verb 'did join'.
Fraternities are generally groups that college students join, so you would have to go to college to join them. There are some fraternal organizations that are associated with professions, so you would not have to be a college student, but you would have to be working in the profession to join them.
Did he join any clubs in college? (he did join any clubs in college)did - auxiliary verb;he - personal pronoun, subject of the sentence;join - main verb;any - adjective, describes the noun 'clubs';clubs - noun, direct object of the verb 'did join';in - preposition;college - noun, object of the preposition 'in'.
Don't Join there.
go in to college and let them pay for the college
world's best college... come and join.
The minimum age for joining the military is 18 years old. However, you may join at 17 if you have permission from your parent. If you choose to be an officer, you need to first complete a four year college degree which usually translates into 21 or 22 years old.
At 19 Amelia went to college in Philadelphia. She did not stay and graduate though. Instead at 20 years old Amelia moved to Toronto to join the war effort
To join iScribble, you have to be 16 years old.
You can join the placement committee in college to help influence were students are placed. If you are a student this will help your voice be heard.
whatever college you want to go to