If you were born before the date that you are reading this, you will be 10 years old. If you were born on a date after you are reading this, you will be 9 years old, about to turn 10.
you would be six
In 2006 they would have had their 2006 - 1915 = 91st birthday If they died before their birthday, they would be 90; if after they would be 91.
if you were born in 1991 who old wil you be?
If I was born in 1988, I would have no idea how old YOU were!
If you were born in 1938, you are 75 years old now.
To calculate your age in 2006, subtract the year of your birth from 2006. So, if you were born in 1990, you would have been 16 years old in 2006.
six years old
You can subtract 1980 from 2006 to get the answer, 26 years.
you would be six
u would be 60 yrs old
As of 2017, you would be either 10 or 11 depending upon when in 2006 you were born.
On your birthday in 2017, you would be 11 years old.
She is two years old, She was born July of 2006
He was born in '84. Do the math.