The idea of turning the eggs while incubating is to avoid that the embryo stick to one side of the shell. therefore, any number above two per day is advised. this could be repeated up to seven times a day if you have the time. Odd numbers are recommended in other specialised references such as books, other sites, farmers, but I could not understand why. At present I have an incubator with 48 eggs and I turn them once in the evening and once in the morning, may be I am taking a risk, I do not know, it is an experiment, It is 10 days old, I will let you know the result of the hatching when this happens, by the way the eggs are 13 Turkey eggs and 35 duck eggs. we are expecting to start hatching on day 29. wait and see.
Why would you want to shake an egg particularly if it is incubating - the reply is a definite no I wouldn't shake an incubating egg
Eggs should be turned once in the morning when you wake up and once before you go to bed. All you have to do is flip the egg over so it is laying on the side opposite of what side it was already on.
Let a hen handle it.
Eggs have to be turned regularly in order to keep the chick on the inside from sticking to the side of the egg shell. The marking of the "X" and "O" is so that when you are incubating the eggs, you will know wether of not you have turned that one yet.
The mother hatches an egg The mother lays the eggs, sits on them to keep them warm while incubating, then feeds them when they hatch out.
Incubating the eggs was necessary for their survival.
The platypus spends ten days as an egg incubating within its mother, until the egg is laid. This is the first stage.
Allow the hen to brood the egg, find a surrogate hen willing to brood, set the egg under another brooding species like a goose or duck.
A bird egg is hatched by heating, or incubating it and waiting until the chick hatches. The time it takes to hatch varies from species to species.
For example, try to drop an egg on the more 'pointy' end and it shouldn't break the shell. The spherical shape of the egg shell help distribute the weight when the hen is incubating her eggs. It will be more less to be damaged..or cracked
The male emu builds a nest and incubates the eggs laid by the female. He also raises the chicks.
Absolutely nothing if you are not incubating the fertilized ones. There is no visible difference, no nutritional difference and no taste difference.