To teach within the public school system within the United States, you must have a bachelor's degree in a teacher education program from a regionally accredited college or university and state teacher certification. This would take approximately four years as a full-time student, (between 120 and 128 credits) provided you take the program as prescribed by the college or university.
Teachers in Florida have an average salary of $46,500.00 to $47,000.00. Salaries vary though with different school districts. It depends on the school.
The Florida teachers' strike was the strike carried out by the teachers because they were not getting paid for the rise in attendance at their schools.
Teachers in North Carolina are state workers, therefore they are paid at the end of each month.
Teachers can often rely on them too much, this means they still get paid as teachers but the book has no credit.
usually teachers get paid every month or so.
Sometimes they do, but usually it's close to minimum wage. Often they are 'paid' in credit hours or tuition reduction.
Teachers ideally should get paid for sick days. Teachers are usually paid on a contract which includes sick days but this may vary with private schools.
Teachers are salaried. They are not hourly workers. It is like asking if teachers get paid to grade papers at home. They get paid to do their job regardless of the hours it takes. You could say they do not get a paid lunch break. You could as easily say they do.
They get paid about 18,00 to about 38,000.
Not "double" in the "twice as much" sense, but often there is an additional stipend associated with supervising extracurricular activities, whether athletic or otherwise.
Licensed teachers make about $64,000 annually.
The minimum wage waitresses have to be paid in Florida is $2.13