Of course different places have differentprocedures but overall they somewhat the same. they have a daily weekly and monthly check list. the daily one consist of checking pins and keys to make sure they are all intact. this is what holds it in. and any safety equipment such as seat belt's,straps,ect would be checked. then they would check tracking and supports for pins and bolts ect along with stress cracks monthly weekly and monthly are way more intense. this is not including the moter,conveyer,and computer systems of the newer ones James
Yes, Roller Coasters are inspected every day and are tested with no riders on them every day.
Actually, you can breath on roller coasters.
The noun 'roller coaster' has no standard collective noun since most roller coasters are not in a group. However, a collective noun is an informal part of language. Any noun the fits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a scream of roller coasters, a maze of roller coasters, a park of roller coasters, a tour of roller coasters, etc.
Yes, there are roller coasters at Wisconsin Dells.
There is 4 roller coasters. Aftershock, Timber Terror, Tremors and the Corkscrew. Which all of the roller coasters are awesome!!!!!!!
A website I always go to for my info on roller coasters is ultimaterollercoaster.com
California has the most roller coasters with 78.
Well roller coasters can range from $10,000 to 2.5 millions dollars.
Roller coasters are designed by mechanical engineers, not scientists.
roller coasters smell like oil and metal or wood or what they are made out of.
Yes there is a whole category on WikiAnswers that has questions on roller coasters.
no, cats can't ride roller coasters