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I always feed my hamster Muffin those yogurt drinks where you shake em up and they have fruity yogurt inside. Muffin is as good as new, so I bet it's okay. I wouldn't feed a hamster something with a lot of sugar, though.

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16y ago
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8mo ago

A hamster can have a very small amount of plain, low-fat yogurt as an occasional treat. Start with a very small amount, such as a teaspoon, and observe how your hamster reacts to it. Too much yogurt can lead to digestive issues due to the sugar and dairy content.

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12y ago

No! "but, I would not give it to them, unless it's "homemade: vanilla extract plus plain yogurt" if u take the time to read the yogurt packaging u will see that store bought vanilla yogurt contains a LOT of SUGAR! " Campbell hamsters are not the only ones that are prone to Diabetes, u can easily end up with a diabetic hamster even if it's a Syrian! Don't think just as oh it's a tiny bit on the tip of a spoon it's not that much sugar (that's human) (hamsters are about 1000x smaller than u) so that tiny bit now became sugar packed to the extreme!

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15y ago

hamsters can eat any thing that dosent have salt NO SALT, and yes they can es=at yogurt

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12y ago

Yes, but only in small quantities.

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15y ago

A spoonful for dwarf hamsters.

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try to give your hamster carrots and can also try giving your hamster yogurt drops and dog biscuits.

How do you catch a hamster who has escaped?

if you buy yogurt treats from petco then you take one or two ou and set it there then sit there and watch it from a distance the smeel will get to the hamster and it will usually look for it then when it eats it grab it and then you have found your hamster

How much does a hamster wiegh?

About as much as a hamster.

What do you feed your hamster when its stomache is bloated?

Your hamster may have parasite's. I would recommend calling your local vet. In the mean time, try a little yogurt. Any flavor but no chocolate:)

How much is a muller yogurt?

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What you should feed your hamster when she is pregnant?

i fed my hamster normally but i added yogurt drops. i don't think this is necessary but it's a nice treat with a few extra nutrients.

How can you get your hamster to like you?

its very simple all you do is take strawberry yogurt and hold him up and fed him it in a med. dropper.

What are the vegetables you can give your hamster?

I give my hamster lettuce, celery ,spinach, carrots ,and other leafy greens.

How much yogurt would you put in a smoothie?

how much amount of yogurt and strawberries in a smoothie

Is a thin hamster a female and a fat hamster a male hamster?

The hamster's size has no bearing on gender. A hamster that eats a lot and doesn't get much exercise, will get gat.

How much potassium is in yogurt?

A cup of yogurt has about 573 mg of potassium, on average.

Do dwarf hamster have the same diet as a normal hamster?

pretty much