About £2600
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
About £2600
50 pounds of sterling silver in 1920 would be worth roughly 1337.50 pounds now.
As of October 29th, 2013, one pound in 1920 would be worth 3087.31307 USD today.
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
Try this : a dollar would have been a half days pay for most people.
$120 million in 1920 is worth about $1,422,100,000.00 in 2015 dollars.
If you hold your 1852 $1 gold piece, it would worth more than $100 today Inflation continues to drastically decrease the value of a dollar. What you could buy for dollar in 1852 would cost you $27.60, meaning that dollar would be worth about 4 cents in today's world.
$1 or $2
No such thing. There were no U.S. silver dollars minted in 1920.