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If you really stick to it, and gym. You will loose Around 3 kgs the first week, then after that, 1-2 kgs a week. And then it slows down more and more.

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Q: How much weight does the Atkins diet take off per week?
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Where can I find out about the Atkins food diet?

Atkins diet is a low carbohydrate diet to loose weight. The argument for the diet is that the body burns first carbohydrates in the food and goes to burn fat and proteins next. If we take less carbohydrates and more fat and protein, the body burns fat efficiently thereby allowing us to loose weight. For more on this we can visit:

Can you take Aleve on the Atkins diet?

Yes, you can take pain relief on the Atkins diet. It does not effect your protein to carbohydrate ratio in your diet.

Can you take diet tablets on the Atkins Diet?

You don't need these tablets!

What can you take to help with the constipation if you are on the Atkins diet?

If a diet makes you constipated; it is a bad and unhealthy diet. What you can do is come off the diet and go back to 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. You may lose equal amounts of weight, or you may not lose equal amounts of weight. But, you will be healthier.

Are there any websites that can help me find atkins diet phase 1?

The best place to go for information on anything regarding the Atkins diet is the Atkins site itself. The site for the Phase 1 of the Atkins diet is as follows:, and it provides you with the steps you need to take in this phase.

Is the Dr. Atkins' Diet Right For You?

For some dieters, the Dr. Atkins' diet plan is an effective way to take off extra weight. This diet restricts carbohydrates with the intent of forcing the body to stop relying on consumed glucose and instead convert stored body fat for energy. There is no limit to how much you can eat on this diet because the idea is to restrict carbohydrate intake, not calories. There is some risk of developing higher cholesterol levels as a result of consuming extra fat.

What types of berries can I eat and still follow the atkins diet menu?

The Atkins diet plan does not actually the eating of berries or anything beside protien. Their are certain supplements though you take to help reduce cravings.

What is the Atkins diet about?

Atkins Nutritional Approach, popularly known as the Atkins Diet or just 'Atkins', is a well-known low-carb diet created by Dr.Robert Atkins from a diet he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association and utilized to resolve his own overweight condition following medical school and graduate medical training. He later popularized the Atkins diet in a series of books, starting with Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution in 1972. In his revised book, Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, he modified or changed some of his ideas, but remained faithful to the original concepts. The Atkins franchise, a business formed to provide products to those individuals on the diet, was highly successful due to the popularity of the diet, and is considered the driving entity of the larger "low-carb craze" during the early millennium. Various factors, however, led to its dwindling success and the company founded by Dr. Atkins in 1989, Atkins Nutritionals of Ronkonkoma, New York, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January of 2005, two years after the death of Dr. Atkins. The company re-emerged in January 2006, and the Atkins logo is still highly visible through licensed-proprietary branding for food products and related merchandise.

Can you take black tea with skimmed milk in Atkins diet?

No, if you drink just black is OK

Does levothyroxine work ok while on Atkins diet Or cause reverse affects?

No, it actually makes you ill n short, but at worst you will end up an inomniac and seriously WILL gain alot of weight. DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS MEDICINE!!!

How much weight do you lose on the gold standard diet?

As much weight as you create a caloric deficit for. Any diet will cause you to lose weight if it allows you to take in fewer calories than you expend. How large and sustainable that deficit is will determine how much you lose. If you exercise more, or eat differently, it will affect your weight- big surprise, huh? So you can't stick a number on any diet.

Can you take Estrodiol and HCG weight loss program?

The women I have worked with on the HCG Diet since 2007 generally have a great deal of trouble keeping the weight off after the diet if they are taking synthetic estrogen. If you take the correct amount of hCG while on the HCG diet, it will not effect your estrogen levels. If you take too much hCG while on the HCG Diet, it will act as a precursor and elevate estrogen levels.