Depends what breed it is and how fit it is. If it is a thick set cob then it could probably carry an adult, but if it is an Arab then only a light child. But ponies are very sturdy, my sister is 5ft 7" and she still rides her 13.2
This will vary be breed, sex, age etc. A formula to estimate a horse/ponies weight from Texas A&M is this.
Use a plastic measuring tape, wrap it around the pony's girth, just behind the elbow. write this number down. then measure from the point of shoulder to the point of buttock, write this number down.
Now do the following math. Girth X girth X length divide by 330= lbs.
Example 70 X 70 X 78 divide 330 =1158lbs. This is accurate to within 24 pounds.
they carried mail from state to state.
The maximum weight for a pony is calculated using the same formula as for a horse. A horse or pony should never carry more than 20% of it's own body weight, this includes the rider and equipment. Remember that 20% is the upper limit, anything below that is better for the pony. As an example a 800 lb (362.8kg) pony can carry a maximum of 160 lbs (72.5 kg) in combined rider and equipment weight.
it depends on how large your pony is. If you are more than say 190 lbS I would stay away and try getting on a horse, not a pony. Children are what most ponies carry.
pony for lead the horse in a proper manner
It's not so much the pony's height as it is his build that will influence the riders weight. A horse shouldn't carry more than 20%of it's own body weight, this includes the rider and tack. But keep in mind that a shorter sturdier horse/pony with thick cannon bones and broad loins will always be stronger and more able to carry heavier weights than taller horses.
This would depend on the pony's weight. A horse or pony should never carry more than 20% of it's own bodyweight, this includes tack and the rider.
Depends on where you buy it, how old the pony is, what kind of breed it is, how much experience etc. etc.
6.2 stones (almost 87 pounds or 39.55 kilograms) is at the upper ranges of what a Shetland pony can carry. All horses and ponies should only ever carry 20% of their own bodyweight, since the average weight for a Shetland pony is 450 pounds ( 32.1 stone or 204.11 kg.) the maximum they should carry is 90 pounds ( 6.4 stone or 40.82 kg) this includes the rider and the tack added together.
Example: Your pony weighs 600 pounds, 23% of 600 equals 138 pounds. You and your tack weigh 130 pounds all together. So you and your tack are light enough for your pony to carry.
a horse is over 14.2hh and a pony is 14.2hh and under!!
A monkey is £500, a pony is £25 and a grand is £1000.