GB (gigabyte) is a measure of data, not time. If you read an article on the web you will probably download relatively little data and you could spend hours and hours reading it. If you download a lot of music or video you could consume a few GB quite quickly.
Well first you should consider if you are gaming watching you tube videos or downloading 2GB is good for the internet user that only checks Emails browsers the net but not good for the gamer you tuber and downloaded
The data plan options $15/mo for 200MB $25/mo for 2GB $45/mo for 2GB + tethering Additional data overage charges are $10/GB
You will get about 20,000 pages.
Well first you should consider if you are gaming watching you tube videos or downloading 2GB is good for the internet user that only checks Emails browsers the net but not good for the gamer you tuber and downloaded
The ipod 2GB costs around $129.99
i want to buy a ipod 2gb 2nd hand
2GB is much bigger than 31KB 1GB is 100MB and 1MB is 1000KB
It depends on your internet speed. The file is around 2GB.
2GB radio broadcasts from many cities. They are a national radio station that broadcasts over the entire nation in several different stations. They even broadcast over the internet.