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70lbs. About.

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Q: How much should eight year old boy weigh?
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How much should an average eight year old by weigh?

It doesn't really matter until you start puberty, then you should start caring.

How much should a 5' 4 eight teen year old female weigh?

not more than 120lbs I am average and I am 5'6 130lbs.

How much should a 12 year old weigh who is 5'7?

Around 98 pounds give or take eight pounds for body type.

Im a 13 year old year that is 5ft 10inches how much should you weigh?

I think you should weigh about 140.

How much should a 12-year-old boy weigh who is 5'7''?

Around 98 pounds give or take eight pounds for body type.

How much should a 15 year old weigh who's 5'7?

you should weigh 105-115

How much should a 42 year old weigh?

I think a healthy42 year old women should weigh from150 yo 210

How much should a 11-year old at 5'3 weigh?

A 11 year old at 5'3 should weigh between 120-130lbs.

How much should a 16 year old girl weigh that is 5'0?

she should weigh 115-120 lbs

How much should a 13 year old boy weigh if they are 5'9?

U should weigh about 115 pounds.

How much is a seventeen year old female should weigh?

There is no such thing as "should" in this question. Weights vary. If your doctor says your aren't to skinny or weigh too much, then that's what you should weigh.

How much should a 10 year weigh?

About 94 pounds.