Medieval rice farmers in Japan produced about 88 bushels of rice per acre. With today's farming methods as much as 241 bushels per acre are being reported.
China produced approximately 178 million tons of rice in 1998 and 183 million tons of rice in 1999.
How many bushels of what? Corn? Barley? Wheat? Rice? Please be more specific when asking these types of questions.
1610 gains of rice
The average figure for one acre of farmland is 1/8 person per acre, however this is an average of all commoditites such as corn, wheat, rice, oats, barley, cattle, sheep, hogs, fruits, vegetables, etc. Also keep in mind that wheat is not an entire peron's diet, but wheat, a medium yielding crop, at an average of 80 bushels to the acre and a test weight of 60 pounds per when at 13.5% moisture, a bushel can produce 4800 pounds per acre.
Medieval rice farmers in Japan produced about 88 bushels of rice per acre. With today's farming methods as much as 241 bushels per acre are being reported.
I hope you mean paddy. Rice is dehusked paddy. you may get 2500 kg of paddy from one acre. but if made into rice it will be 1750 kg. As u are saying you want to do business, this information may be useful.
150*40 kgs per acre
According to the USDA, 3.04 million acres of rice were harvested in the 2000-01 season, with a yield of 6,281 pounds per acre
China is the top producer. It produced 1.9 billion rice in the years of 1998-1999
589 million tones of paddy rice is produce a year.
190 million tons
190 million tons
55 metric tons
193 million tons in 2008 (28% World total)
about 2000
Khobragade from Nagbhid in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. A poor farmer with 2.5 Acre land attached to Jungle/and a labourer first discovered HMT rice wwhich later on was named as hmt by a farmer in Andhra Pradesh