For a gaming computer you will need at least 4GB of RAM. Most people average 6GB for their gaming computers.
When you are in the market for a gaming headset, you just need one thing: you need it to work. After all, a headset that falls apart after one day can't really amount to much. If you want to make sure you get the right headset, you really need to look at everything. Many people just jump right into a brand name headset, completely forgetting about generics, only to discover they spent too much on a headset that doesn't work.
You can not buy them you need to work in the gaming industry and a few fans yearly
You can not buy them you need to work in the gaming industry and a few fans yearly
A heat spreader is used to help draw heat from your ram. The average computer user does not need a heat spreader, but someone that has a powerful gaming computer may benefit from using it.
Maybe the FX-6350 it seems to have good specs for gaming you don't really need a really high end Graphics card for Music Recording just to let you know
Time, dedication, and patience. Keep at playing the game you want to get good at, and play it a lot, eventually you will get good. A word of warning though, to be really good, you may need to spend lots of your time gaming, MLG pros usually spend upwards of 6 hours a day gaming
The controller you need while gaming will usually not be a factor in most gaming unless it is a driving game. Then you may need a wheel to play better. If you are using a gaming system such as the WII you will have a lot of different types of controllers.
beats aren't for gaming they was made for music. You need a headset that is made for gaming.
Xp is okay,but to get the most out of gaming you will need to get a gaming. I am not sure about Macintosh.
no not really you need like a 3 or 4 if u like gaming -Improve- In regards to the above answer i think they were referring to graphics memory not RAM. A 1 GB graphics card is awesome for gaming, but 4 gigs of ram wouldn't hurt either.