you get paid a lot
A physical therapist aid makes about $40,000 a year. This can vary greatly depending on their experience and where they work.
There is no way to tell exactly how much a physical therapist aide earns unless you ask them. Different people make different amounts of money.
about 35,000 a year
The median expected annual pay for a typical Physical Therapist in the United States is $79,846.
Therapist's make a good amount of money since they are working in the medical field. It really depends on the location & experience - but they can make anywhere from $40,000 - $100,000 a year. Possibly even more. Hope this helps. :]
The average salary for a physical therapist assistant is $52,320 per year. Physical therapists earn more than the majority of healthcare jobs.
Physical therapists can make $54,000 to start, up to $71,000 after 20 years, depending upon location.
35,000 to 70,000
Depends on your location and years of experience. roughly $63,000-$68,000
An adventure therapist is someone who helps you get over psychological problems through physical activity. You could expect to make around $20 an hour.