You can do one of two things: 1. kill the pig and sell the meat 2. Sell it as live weight
People who raise pigs make money from selling the pigs for meat. Things like ham, bacon, and pork chops come from pigs. Money can also be made by using the pig's skin to make leather.
Depending on what skill level you are. Night Clerk: $8.00 - $12.00 Meat Wrapper: $10.00 - $14.00 Apprentice Meat Cutter: $11.00 - $15.00 Journeyman Meat Cutter: $16.00 - $18.00 ($22.00 at Costco) Meat Manager: $19.00 - $25.00 plus 8 hours of overtime a week or Salary $50,000 a year or more. Meat Managers can sometimes bouns but this is becoming more rare.
It is the spot where the sons raise meat
Originally people simply exchanged goods. A farmer would exchange grain for meat. A farmer would exchange grain for a piece of pottery. Things became complicated if the hunter wanted a clay pot, the potter wanted a fish, the fisherman wanted some grain, and the farmer wanted some meat. Some brilliant individual invented money. It enabled a person to sell what he had and to buy what he wanted. People no longer needed to exchange goods and keep exchanging goods until they got what they wanted.
No. They got the name packers from a meat packaging company that donated money to them when the NFL was starting.
they were named after an Indian meat packing co.
Because of the meat-packing industry in Green Bay.
The Packers were named after meat packers, the whole thing with the cheese is just because of Wisconsin.
welli think bussines is very important and u could some money
If this question can be answered, the Packers were orignally called the Indians, for part of the 1919 season after the Indian Meat Packing Company in Green Bay that put up the money for equipment and uniforms. Later in the same season Lambeau (an employee of the meat packing company) called his team the Packers. It has been the Packers ever since.
Curly Lambeau founded the Packers and built his team around the ACME meat packing company he worked for.
the meat revolutuon task act
The Indian Meat Packing Company payed for the team's uniforms and athletic field when they were originally established in 1919.
The occupation in Columbia Plateau is that the things they get from there cattle like meat, milk etc. they sell them and earn money .
They were a meat packing company turned football team...